CHICAGO (Reuters) – Facing a slump in the mail it had been delivering since the days of America’s Revolutionary War in 2012 the U.S. Postal Service began aggressively targeting e-commerce and lapsed customers as the way to salvage its declining business.
Front page news
Your smartphone is changing more than just your habits — it’s changing the way your hands work too. Swiss researchers have discovered that activity in the brain’s cortex associated with index fingers and thumbs is enhanced directly in proportion to…
Korg isn’t the only instrument company planning to reboot the classic ARP Odyssey synth. Tipping its hand via Facebook Behringer revealed that it too has a remake of the iconic ’70s analog synthesizer in the works. Details are scarce for now but th…
(Reuters) – Facebook Inc must face a class action lawsuit accusing it of violating its users’ privacy by scanning the content of messages they send to other users for advertising purposes a U.S. judge has ruled.
(Reuters) – Facebook Inc must face a class action lawsuit accusing it of violating its users’ privacy by scanning the content of messages they send to other users for advertising purposes a U.S. judge has ruled.
Sure Sony may be defying hackers’ threats by letting independent theaters screen The Interview but you might not live close enough to watch the flick. What if you want to see it online? You might get that chance. Sources for both CNN and Recode cla…
A Colorado man named Jeremiah Perez has been arrested for a comment he posted on YouTube threatening to kill “retired helpless cops” which Google itself reported to authorities. Mountain View called up the FBI in San Francisco after someone with th…
SEOUL (Reuters) – South Korean prosecutors have indicted the local subsidiary of U.S. taxi-hailing service provider Uber Technologies Inc for violating a law governing public transport Yonhap News Agency reported on Wednesday.