SEOUL (Reuters) – North Korea called U.S. President Barack Obama a “monkey” and blamed Washington on Saturday for Internet outages it has experienced during a confrontation with the United States over the hacking of the film studio Sony Pictures.
Front page news
Merry Christmas game fans: Both Xbox Live and PlayStation Network are down this morning apparently due to a denial-of-service attack. The notorious hacking group Lizard Squad — which already carried out earlier attacks on Microsoft and Sony — has…
Let’s face it The Interview would have had to be nothing short of a masterpiece to justify all of the drama around its release. Well it’s not — but it’s not a terrible movie either. The comedy about the assassination of Kim Jong-un prompted terror…
Snow isn’t something you’d usually associate with Dubai not when summers have an average temperature of 104 degrees F and the coldest of winters is only around 57 degrees. But the Kleindienst Group of real estate developers are positive they can sim…
So you’ve got a few days off and you’re probably trapped with family to boot — this calls for some serious binge-watching. Now is the perfect time to catch up on all of those movies and shows you couldn’t make time for during the year. To help guid…
We know: Despite its best attempts at proving otherwise Facebook and privacy have an oil/water reputation — the latest legal news regarding the company won’t help that any either. A California judge recently ruled that The Social Network will face…
SEOUL (Reuters) – South Korea’s nuclear power operator said on Sunday that cyberattacks on non-critical operations at the company’s headquarters are continuing but the country’s nuclear power plants are operating safely and are secure from attack.
OnePlus’ plans for world conquest hit a roadblock when Micromax had the company’s smartphones banned in India. It’s reasoning was that they allegedly infringed on its exclusive right to use Cyanogen’s custom Android software. However it looks like t…